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WHY We Serve
Because “we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Eph. 2: 10 ESV). James 1 says, we are called to be “doers of the Word, and not hearers only.”  In Philippians 2, we’re prompted to “have the same mindset as Christ Jesus” who “made himself nothing” and became “a servant.” To put it simply: “God has a ministry for you in his church and a mission for you in the world” (Rick Warren). We are called to serve. Service is a mindset that requires discipline and cultivation, and Lititz Christian School desires to partner with students and parents in cultivating that discipline through the Community Service Program.

WHOM We Serve
The Community Service Program seeks to cultivate service in 3 areas: School, Church, and Community.

HOW We Serve

  • Students in grades 9-12 must complete 20 service hours by the end of each school year. Student’s grades will be withheld at the end of the school year if service hours for that year have not been completed.
  • 80 service hours are required to graduate. (These hours are adjusted for transfer students: see table)
  • Service hours must be a compilation of all 3 areas of service.
  • Opportunity for completion of some of the service hours will be provided throughout the school year; the student is responsible for completing the remaining service hour requirement each year.
  • Service forms for completed hours must be signed by a parent as well as the supervising adult who is not the parent of the student.
  • Student cannot receive any payment for their service.
  • Service forms are to be handed in to the Community Service Coordinator or Class Advisor.
  • Additional hours cannot be carried over into the next school year.
  • Excellence in service will be recognized throughout the school year and upon graduation.
  • Ideas and contact information for service opportunities are attached; additionally the Community Service Coordinator will announce and post on the CS bulletin board service opportunities throughout the year.
  • Service hours will be posted and tracked via RenWeb.

9th grade: 20 hours

School: 8 Hours

4 hrs provided during school hours


4 hours student arranged

Church: 8 Hours

4 hrs provided during school hours

4 hours student arranged


Community: 4 Hours

4 hrs provided during school hours



10th grade: 20 hours

School: 8 Hours

4 hrs provided during school hours


4 hours student arranged

Church: 8 Hours

4 hrs provided during school hours

4 hours student arranged


Community: 4 Hours

4 hrs provided during school hours



11th grade: 20 hours

School: 4 Hours



4 hrs student arranged

Church: 8 Hours

4 hrs provided during school hours

4 hrs student arranged


Community: 8 Hours

4 hrs provided during school hours


4 hrs student arranged

12th grade: 20 hours

School: 4 Hours



4 hours student arranged



10 hrs provided for Senior Go! service trip.*

6 hours student arranged




*If a student does not attend the Senior Go! service trip, the student must complete 10 hours of Church or Community service before graduation ceremony.

Transferring Student Hours

Freshman: 1st semester

80 hrs (20 per year)

Freshman: 2nd semester

70 hrs

Sophomore: 1st semester

60 hrs

Sophomore: 2nd semester

50 hrs

Junior: 1st semester

40 hrs

Junior: 2nd semester

30 hrs

Senior: 1st semester

20 hrs (OR 10 hrs + Senior Go! service trip)

Senior: 2nd semester

Senior Go! service trip only (or 10 hrs)

Community Service Form - Upon completing service, submit completed form to Community Service Coordinator

Community Service Locations - Suggested locations for community service opportunities