Welcome to the Elementary School of Lititz Christian. It is here where a love of learning is nurtured and a strong academic foundation of core subject content begins. We recognize and value the inestimable worth of each student and work hard to meet individual student’s needs. Our curriculum promotes strong academics in the fundamentals of reading, spelling, language arts, mathematics, social studies, science and Bible as well as the opportunity to participate in music, art, physical education, computer, STEAM, and Spanish. All subjects are taught and discussed from a Bible-based perspective. The elementary classrooms are a busy place as students are actively engaged. Elementary students are challenged to learn at a deep level and are given multiple opportunities to practice their learning in variety of ways. Hands-on active learning is an extremely important aspect of our elementary classrooms.
Bible integrated throughout all subjects
Weekly Chapel Service
Computer Lab
Mobile Laptop Lab
Mobile SMART Board
Service Projects
Connections with Intermediate, Middle and High School Students who serve as positive role models and build a sense of community.
Weekly Spanish, Art, Physical Education, Music, Computer, Library Classes
Accelerated Reader
Smaller class sizes
Spiritual Life
BIBLE: The Bible is a subject that is taught every day at Lititz Christian School. Teachers integrate God’s word into all subjects and facets of the school day.
CHAPEL: Chapel for grades K-4 is scheduled every week. During Chapel period worship songs are sung, and a special speaker shares age-appropriate stories, experiences, and object lessons from scripture. Some of our guests have included pastors, missionaries, students, teachers, and families who have served on the mission field as well as choir groups, WJTL’s host of the Saturday morning children's show “Cookie Break” Lisa Landis, and many others. Talent Chapels and grade level presentations occur one Chapel per year. Chapels are scheduled in advance and parents are welcome to join us.
SERVICE PROJECTS: Service to others is an important part of our education at Lititz Christian, and remembering the acronym JOY (Jesus first, Others second, Yourself third), is an important element of what Lititz Christian desires to instill in the hearts and minds of our students. Beginning in our elementary school, Service Projects are planned at least three times each year. A few examples of past projects include a day of volunteering at the Global Aid Network (GAiN) Distribution Center. Students assist in packing aid for shipment overseas. Our students have written letters to retirement home residents, crafted Christmas ornaments, and delivered cookies to folks in retirement homes near the holidays. They have assisted the residents in making crafts, singing Christmas Carols and conversing with the residents while being treated to cocoa and games. Students enjoy this visit as much as the residents.
CODE OF CONDUCT: Our elementary school’s Code of Conduct was created by the Elementary Student Council. This Code of Conduct is posted and visible in all classrooms as well as the lunch room. Teachers review the Code of Conduct at the beginning of the school year, again at mid-year and more often when necessary.The Code of Conduct is an explanation of the behavior that is expected of all students while in our elementary school building, when at recess or on field trips.
School Day: 7:55 - 2:30
Kindergarten: Bible, Phonics, “Kid” Writing, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies
First - Second: Bible, Phonics, Writing, Language Arts, Math, Spelling, Math, Science, Social Studies
Third - Fourth: Bible, Writing, Language Arts, Math, Spelling, Math, Science, Social Studies
ART: Art education gives students an important creative outlet and can serve a critical role in boosting intelligence and academic performance. At Lititz Christian we believe this class is vital to our program. Elementary classes enjoy this creative outlet each week. Each grade works with varied mediums from clay to ink to ceramics. Our students thoroughly take pleasure in the activities and projects they create with the direction of their art teacher each week.
MUSIC: The effects of music and music instruction in the classroom are broad and far-reaching. We at Lititz Christian believe the effect of music participation on individual development, the benefits of music and music participation, and the role music plays in the development of individual skills and abilities cannot be underestimated. Elementary classes participate in specialized music class for their grade level every week. Our younger grades K-1 participate two times each week.
Fine Arts: Our senior high school music department produces two plays each year, one in fall, the other in spring of the school year. When the roles are conducive to younger students, auditions are opened scheduled for the appropriate grades levels and announced in our weekly e-mail communication “Parent Page.” Many elementary students have been selected for acting and vocal roles in these productions.
LIBRARY: Elementary students visit the library one period each week at which time books may be checked out and returned. This is also the time where students are taught how to use the library. The librarian teaches students how to independently locate books, how to use an online catalog to find books on specific subjects or by authors, and about different book genres and the difference between fiction and non-fiction. Our librarian conducts story time for our students during their time in the library to encourage children to develop a love of books.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Physical Education develops children’s motor skills, hand-eye coordination, cooperation, teamwork, and sportsmanship. A cardiovascular system developed from regular exercise promotes excellent blood and oxygen circulation. This allows more nutrients to circulate through out the body and the brain. This circulation produces longer attention span during classes allowing for longer concentration and absorption. Lower grades are scheduled for two shorter periods of physical education each week whereas upper elementary grades have one longer period each week.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE: Overall foreign language learning has been shown to increase critical thinking skills, creativity, and flexibility of mind in young children. Lititz Christian begins teaching the Spanish language in Kindergarten. Lower grades are scheduled for two shorter periods of Spanish each week. Upper elementary grades are scheduled for one longer period each week. Spanish is taught through grade 12.
Technology Education
The computer lab at Lititz Christian contains thirty desk top computers. Every elementary grade has a weekly scheduled class time in the computer lab, and teachers may request additional lab times for research or to work on class projects. Additionally, LC has a mobile lab consisting of ten laptops, and a mobile iPad cart with ten devices, both of which may be signed out by classroom teachers. And each elementary classroom has at least one desktop computer station. Lititz Christian also maintains a mobile SMART Board for interactive classroom lessons.
RenWeb is Lititz Christian School’s classroom management system which allows parents to access student grades anytime, anywhere via the internet. Parents have information regarding homework assignments, behavior reports, lunch menus, and many other aspects of their child’s education at their fingertips via the RenWeb app or browser program. RenWeb also provides quick access to email communication and Parent Alert notifications.