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Blog Archive 22-23

July 19, 2023

Summer Camp Update
by: Jess Daugherty, ELC Director

Though the building may be half empty during the summer, it is still not short of energy, laughter and lots of fun! This summer the Early Learning Center is providing a Summer Camp experience for almost 100 kids each day!  We enjoy our days and the extra space available in the building while the K-12 students are out on summer break.  Our days are full of life and activity. Each week has a theme surrounded by hands-on activities for the kids to experience.  Our school age kids have field trips, park days and lots of fun exploring Lititz! Our preschool and preK kids enjoy cooking, soccer shots, special guests, water play and so much more! We’ve had magicians, mini horses, science, and STEM for some of our Friday Fun! The 11 summer staff members are amazing and have prepared creative activities and engaging experiments for all the kids! We still have 4 more weeks of fun with activities like foam party, dinosaur special guest, beach party, ice cream truck, and much more till we’re back to school in the fall!  

ELC Summer Camp Slideshow

June 21, 2023

Blog Update

Click this link to enjoy a brief 2022-23 Year in Review montage.   We have come a long way in the past year!
As you watch, give thanks and praise to God who made it all possible and who continues to bless Lititz Christian School. Pray for continued guidance as we seek to fulfill His mission for our school and find a forever home.  

Enjoy your summer, recharge your batteries, and get ready for another year of academics, disciplehip, and adventure with Lititz Christian!

June 7, 2023

Board Update
By: Jeff Gerard, LCS Board Chair

Summer is here! 

We are thankful for another great year at LCS! It has been a whirlwind.

God has prospered us as we searched for a new home, moved a 50,000 square foot school, and faced changes in administrative staffing in the last 2 years. Our staff and faculty have worked and worked to make it all happen. Our community has given and given again. God has blessed our efforts. Lititz Christian is again growing, and we are anticipating great things in the coming years. Enrollment is promising for the 23-24 school year.

We had a wonderful demonstration of care for our school at the Fete en Bleu early in May. We raised over $60,000 towards our Annual Fund, and had a lot of fun in the process. If you couldn't make it, make sure that you reserve a spot next year.

We celebrated graduation last Friday. From a personal perspective, this was a big one. Our daughter graduated this year. She is our third child to graduate from Lititz Christian School. This one feels like our baby (because she was for 11 years!) Grace has testified that one of the best decisions we ever made as parents was to send her to LCS. We agree. The family focus, gifted staff, excellent academics, fine arts, and sports achievements have been formative for all of our children.

Fortunately, as one LCS year ends, we can look forward to a new one starting. We trust that your summer will be filled with warmth, beauty, rest, and anticipation of a great start in the fall. Wishing you God's best.


May 16, 2023

Administration Update

- by Allyson Harmon, Head of School

As we approach the end of another school year, I am filled with gratitude for all that, through the Lord's blessing, has been accomplished this year. I am proud of our students for their hard work and dedication, our staff for their tireless efforts, and our parents for their unwavering support. 

I am thrilled to share with you some remarkable statistics that highlight the achievements of our school community:

- Since the move to our new building, we have experienced a tremendous sense of belonging and support. The Lititz Church of the Brethren congregation has graciously welcomed us into their space, fostering a sense of belonging and partnership.

- We are delighted to report that our new location has led to increased interest from families seeking a Christ-centered education.We received 35 inquires into our kindergarten class alone, demonstrating the high demand for Christ-centered education.

- We are proud to announce that we have achieved an impressive 96% retention rate for the upcoming school year. This speaks volumes about the satisfaction and trust our parents and students have in our school community. Thank you!

- Over 50% of our students achieved honor roll at the end of the third quarter, showcasing their dedication to academic excellence and hard work.

- This year’s graduating class will ALL graduate with honors. This academic achievement is a testament to their commitment to academic achievement and the outstanding support provided by our teachers and staff. 

- We are excited to expand our reach into the Manheim Central community by providing after school care at Doe Run Elementary next school year. This expansion allows us to serve and support more families in the area, fostering stronger connections with the community.

Our teachers have worked tirelessly to provide a rigorous, biblically integrated academic program while also modeling Christ-like character. They have gone above and beyond to ensure that our students are well-equipped to succeed both now and in the future. I am grateful for their deduction and commitment to all of our students. 

To our parents, I want to express my appreciation for your support and partnership. Your involvement in your child’s education is invaluable, and we are grateful for your commitment to our school community. Your prayers, encouragement and financial support are a vital part of our success, now and in the future. 

As we close out this school year and prepare for the next,  we are excited about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. We are committed to continuing to further our mission to provide a biblical, academic education that prepares students to honor Jesus Christ in scholarship, vocation, and lifestyle.  


May 1, 2023

Administration Update

- by Niki Cadwalader, Asst Head of School 

The end of the school year holds many opportunities to recognize our students, their gifts, and their acheivements. Events like the Sports’ Awards Banquet, Spring Chorus Concert, Prom, and finally, Graduation bring us together to celebrate the Lord’s work in our children’s lives. As we look to the future, our doors and hearts are open to new students and their families. Please invite your neighbors, friends, co-workers and relatives to one of the following informational breakfasts so they can learn more about Christian education. We can continue to grow together, achieve together and celebrate together while teaching our children to honor Christ in scholarship, vocation and lifestyle.


April 19, 2023

Education Update

- from Aggie Lawler, Elementary Academic Success Lead

Mary Poppins Soar Day on March 29: 
To build excitement for the school musical, the elementary classes participated in a Mary Poppins SOAR (Sharing Opportunities for Academics & Relationships) Day!  The students rotated through Mary Poppins themed stations throughout the half day and the morning culminated with a Meet and Greet in the gym with some of the cast. The Let’s Go Fly a Kite station combined art and science as students made kites and then tried flying them outside.  You may have seen those beautiful kites decorating the lobby outside the theater. At the Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious station, the students learned body percussion and movement to some of the most loved Mary Poppins songs. Students also participated in a Practically Perfect Tea Party station, where they learned about etiquette from around the world, made a place-setting mat, and enjoyed some tasty treats. At the physical education station, students participated in Mary Poppins Relay Races like the Carousel Race, the Spoonful of Sugar Race and the Chimney Sweep Race. At Act it Out, students watched short clips from the movie and used different props to act out different scenes.  After participating in all the activities, we headed to the gym where the students got to meet many of the cast members, ask them questions, and take class photos with them.   
Mary Poppins SOAR Day was such a fun way to learn about the musical and it got everyone even more excited to see the school musical!!! 

K-4 Field Trip to Lancaster County Central Park on April 17: 
Elementary classes took turns visiting different stations that were taught by park naturalists.  Students engaged in hands-on learning about fossils and weather. They also explored different areas of the beautiful park while participating in a nature hike to look for animal signs and learn about native plants, and then split up into smaller teams for a nature scavenger hunt.  

In addition to engaging hands-on and active learning we also had time for some free play and a picnic.  Everyone had a lot of fun on the playground; playing tag on the grassy area; playing Duck, Duck Goose; and even rolling down the hill. After playing, large and small groups of students, teachers and chaperones chose their perfect spot for a picnic lunch. 

We learned and had fun, the weather was perfect, and the students displayed SOAR behaviors throughout the day! What a great field trip!

April 4, 2023

School Board Update

Dear LCS Family,
Last week was an emotionally taxing week of highs and lows.  
The tragedy at The Covenant School in Nashville again has us reeling at the violence in the hearts and actions of humans.  Even as we grieve and pray for the Nashville community, we are again reminded that absolutely no one is immune from this type of violence.

In November and then again this weekend, you have received a reminder of our school's already existing Safety Plan and policies.  The Board was pleased to recall the extensive work that our school Administration had already completed to keep our children safe.  One thing that these tragedies teach us is that “we did everything we could” never seems like enough.  To that end, as our Head of School Allyson Harmon has indicated, we are doing more.  In God's timing, we just recently received a State Safety Grant to be applied to infrastructure and training for faculty and staff.   Our LCS team will continue to aggressively pursue the safety of our school.

Fortunately, there are great things happening at LCS.  These joys will never balance the horror of school shootings, but remind us in little ways that God loves us and has not forgotten.  

Last month our Senior class ventured to Guatemala for a week of ministry at Clubhouse Guatemala in Guatemala City. (SeniorGo blog) I am again amazed that God uses one event to impact so many.  Each senior, each sponsor, each Guatemalan child, each Guatemalan family, each supporter, each senior family member, and the entire community are encouraged, challenged, equipped, enriched, and empowered by this one thing.  God does His work in each one in a different way.

This past weekend, three months of tireless effort by Mrs. Balmer and her crew culminated in a wonderful performance of Mary Poppins. I am personally thankful for the gifted hard work that so many talented people poured into this production. This excellence brings honor to God who created us.  

As spring roars in we are excited for our annual spring auction at the LCS Fete en Bleu on Saturday, May 6.  Please mark your calendar and join us for a lovely evening of LCS blue and sweet home-spun hospitality. This is a perfect opportunity to host our community and support LCS at one of our biggest fundraisers of the year.

Even as we enjoy these good things, the LCS School Board is working on finalizing our budget in the coming weeks.  We continue the search for new Board members (nomination form) and are working on Board policies that are necessary for ACSI accreditation.

The excitement at LCS is real, and God is moving and working. He continues to display his handiwork in the lives of our children, faculty and staff. Please continue to pray for safety for LCS and for healing for The Covenant School community in Nashville.

Wishing you all God's best,

Jeff Gerard MD 
Chair, LCS School Board  

March 28, 2023

Education Update

The first week of March, the senior class and advisors traveled to Guatemala for a week of eye-opening life learning and spiritual growth. Below is Mrs. Urquhart's parting letter to the seniors upon their return home.  In case you missed it, this link to the LC SeniorGo! blog includes the student posts from the week. This is why we do what we do!

My Dear Seniors, 
Welcome home. Home, with toilets that flush toilet paper—and toilets that simply flush. Showers that offer instant hot water and steady water pressure—and, of course, showers that don’t catch on fire. Home, where we can safely walk outside each evening and can drive 2 miles down the road in a reasonable amount of time. Where food is plentiful and roofs are watertight.

My hope is that, while you are catching up on some much-needed rest, while you’re laundry is tumbling in the dryer, and while your heart and your mind are working through all that you experienced for the past 8 days, you’ll consider just a couple of final words:

Remember the faces. When you look at your pictures, when you recall the memories, focus on the faces. Remember the names. All year we have talked about poverty and missions and service, but it was only when you looked Oscar in the eye, when you stepped into Christopher’s home, when you danced with Victoria, when you stroked Emily’s pet rabbit and watched her smile that it became more than just a classroom discussion. These kids matter to you. You know their names. You have walked with them, laughed with them, played with them, sang with them, danced with them. As Bryan Stevenson says, “We can’t change the world if we are not willing to get close to those who are suffering.” This week, you got close to the kids and the families of Zone 6. Keep them close. Let them remind you that all the issues in the world – poverty, disease, human trafficking – are happening to humans. To people. To individuals. They are us. We are them. And Christ came to redeem us ALL. So remember the faces, and as you remember….

Do better. Let this trip be a catalyzing moment. You have seen the needs—the suffering—of Zone 6. You stood in the homes. You delivered the food. You prayed with the families. You wept with those weeping and rejoiced with those rejoicing (Romans 12).  And, to again quote Maya Angelou, “When you know better, do better.” You now know better. Let this new understanding of the world affect the little, daily decisions you make. How to spend your time. Where to spend your money. How to respond to your friends, your siblings, your parents. When to speak and when to stay silent. Remember the words we read in Mere Christianity this year: “Good and evil both increase at compound interest. That is why the little decisions you and I make every day are of such infinite importance. The smallest good act today is the capture of a strategic point from which, a few month later, you may be able to go on to victories you never dreamed of. An apparently trivial indulgence in lust or anger today is the loss of a ridge or railway line or bridgehead from which the enemy may launch an attack otherwise impossible.” May each little decision you make draw you closer to Jesus’s heart for the world and propel you toward the work of Christ. There is so much work to be done. Together, let’s always ever continue to do better.

I believe I speak for Mrs. Hurst, Mr. Swift, Mr. Beachy, and Mrs. Lawler (as well as myself) when I say that we are overwhelmingly proud of you all. You unreservedly gave of yourselves this week. You got dirty and sweaty and tired. You tried new things and did hard things. You let your hearts break, and you lifted each other up in prayer. You engaged fully in the work the Lord had prepared for us, and we could not have asked for more from you. Thank you all so much.

Our prayer for each you is that you let this experience soak into your soul, and that you allow the Holy Spirit to strengthen your faith, to deepen your love for others, and to fuel your passion for the work of Christ no matter where life takes you.

With so much love and gratitude,
Mrs. Urquhart

March 7, 2023

Advancement Update
- from Brooke Vaught, Director of Advancement

Hellllllooooooo Lititz Christian!!!!
I am SO EXCITED to be here along with my children doing life with all of you! I send a sincere THANK YOU to each and every person the Lord has brought into our lives the last several weeks as we started this new year, in a new state, in a new home, new school and new church. The children and I have been welcomed with such blessings by all of you and for that I am so grateful!! My daughter, Elle, has shared that so far PE is her “absolute favorite”! My son, James Stephen “Jase”, says that his “whole Kindergarten class is the coolest”! The Lord is doing amazing things here at Lititz Christian every day, in and through each and every one of us and I could not be more thrilled to have the opportunity to share our story and vision for the future with our local community. I was asked to jump on the blog post this week to share a fundraising update, so without further ado… some Advancement Q&A: 

$$ Money…
   The goal for permanent home Phase 2 of the Capital Campaign is 10 M in 5 years

What is the Capital Campaign goal for next fiscal year (July 2023 - June 2024)?
   1 M ($750,000 major gifts & $250,000 fundraising events)

What have I been doing my first 60 days?
- Refining our donor base through our non-profit donor management software
- Prospect researching to identify pillars in the community that could have a high impact of contribution
- Creating a strategic roadmap of fundraising events for next fiscal year
- A LOT of systems, processes and operations strategy revamping to implement more efficient systems and process on the backend with a focus on communication and transparency
- Identifying opportunities in our current LCS ecosystem to lean in as a unit toward the overall Capital Campaign goal of 10 M

How can you help?
- We need support and continual prayer! 
- What does “support” look like? 
    + Sign up to donate a snack or food for an event. 
    + Donate your TIME. I know time is a precious gift and this is one of our greatest needs right now.  
    + Consider adding the capital campaign to your tithing budget.

We have a GOD-SIZED task with a short runway to raise the funds needed to secure a permanent home.

Final Thoughts…
Pray for LCS. 
Pray for one another in the storm and in the celebration and give THANKS to the LORD!! 
He will provide. Continue to give HIM all the GLORY!!
My email is and my mobile number is 843.742.7482. 
Please call, text or email to connect on ways to GIVE or SUPPORT our mission. If you have a new idea or feedback on an event, please share with me. 

February 23, 2023

Education Update
- from Krista Dunk, K-8 STEAM Teacher

STEAM classes look different this year as we are getting into a new groove at a new location, but there is no shortage of creativity, fun, technology, and out-of-the-box thinking. As I reflect on our STEAM program, I am so thankful for the opportunity to build this program over the past few years with the support and flexibility of my fellow colleagues and administration. I may be biased but, I feel that this time of problem solving, design thinking, and creative teamwork is crucial for students. Not only does it give them a time to think imaginatively but also provides them with opportunities to explore and discover processes on their own through inquiry-based learning.
This month, Preschool/Pre-K friends are enjoying the process of learning to code Ozobot Bit Robots with colored lines. It has been exciting to watch their faces light up as they discover how to operate the bots. A highlight of Elementary STEAM classes is our new addition, Cubelets, which I rented from a Lending Library for the month of January. The students delighted in making circuits and robots while discovering what function each individual cube served. I loved listening to their inquiry and growth questions as they attempted making various robot shapes, worked together to figure out how each was powered, and figured out how to make them move faster or slower.
There is great enthusiasm in Middle School STEAM classes as we have been focusing on Robotics and learning to code with Sphero Mini Bots, Dash Robots, Cubelets, and Ozobots. A highlight is watching the 8th graders design and code their own Battle Bots and then put them to the test! It was a joy to observe them make adjustments to their Battle Bots as they refined and modified to achieve the most successful designs.
Something I look forward to doing with students next month is bringing drawn creations to life with a new AR (Augmented Reality) app called QuiverVision. I can’t wait to see the exhilaration that comes with turning their own creations into a digital AR form. (Shhhhh, don’t tell the kiddos).
Here is a link to our STEAM Lab wishlist. On this list, you will find things we would love to have as part of our STEAM program. If you feel inclined or are looking for a way to financially partner with the STEAM program, we would be honored to receive your donation from the wishlist. Thank you for your support in the Lititz Christian STEAM program! I can’t wait to see where the rest of this year takes us!

February 6, 2023

School Board Update 
-from Jeff Gerard, School Board Chair

I am impressed again by God's work at Lititz Christian School. Despite a monumental move, staffing changes, and a little Global Pandemic, we are thriving. The atmosphere at LCS is vibrant, alive, and GROWING. Our temporary home has been so welcoming, and has afforded us an ever expanding community presence that we never had before. Sometimes, especially with a daunting move behind us, if still feels like we are walking into the dawn of a rising sun! God is moving and working in Lititz through LCS! 
Thank you for all who have, and continue to, pray for and give to LCS. The momentum and excitement is incredible. 
The Board has several tasks in the coming months that will occupy much of our attention. We have assembled a Relocation Committee to continue the process of looking for a future home for LCS. They are looking closely at what is practical and fitting for a future home for LCS. We recently reviewed the results of a feasabilty study that we requested to help determine our needs. We'll keep you informed appropriately about future developments. Please continue to pray about how you can help LCS move forward into the future. 
Additionally, our ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) accreditation is due in October. The accreditation process is very detailed and must be renewed periodically. We believe that accreditation helps keep us accountable to a high standard of excellence. A portion of that process concerns the operations of the Board of Directors. The Board has a number of documents that it must submit to demonstrate that it is properly structured, functioning, and accountable. 
In the next several weeks, we will be finalizing a budget for the 23-24 school year. I continue to be excited about how God has cared for us by providing for the needs of LCS. Thank you for your part in that care.  In turn, take the time in the next week to richly thank the faculty and staff who work so hard to educate and care for our children. They are extraordinary. 
Most of all, remember that each moment of our lives, when we are God's Children through faith in Jesus Christ, is given to us to serve Him. Use your moments well! 
Jeff Gerard, MD 
Lititz Christian School Board Chair 

February 2, 2023

Admissions Update
- from Niki Cadwalader, Assistant Head of School

Lititz Christian School is hosting its first Open House event in our new location at 300 W. Orange St! All current and prospective families are invited. We are excited to share expectations and curriculum for next year. Your kids can meet next years’ teachers and see the classrooms. We will round the evening off with a hot cocoa bar and cookies in the lobby. Bring your friends and neighbors, too! RSVP here.

January 23, 2023

Early Learning Center Update
- from Jessica Daugherty, ELC Director

Did you know the birth of the Early Learning Center started from a desire to be an outreach to our community? This same desire is truly at the forefront of how we provide childcare. I often tell families that we provide more than care. Yes, we care for your child, but we also consider it a privilege to be the ones to love, teach and guide your children when mom and dad cannot be with them. Our days are often filled with fun, laughter, hugs, and sometimes tears, but at the end of the day, our team does a fantastic job of stepping up together to support and encourage one another in caring for children.  
As our team has shifted and said goodbye to some very close colleagues from our old school location, we are grateful to be at LCOB in this new season. Our Preschool and Prek enrollment are full, and our Afterschool Program serves over 50 children from Lititz Christian, Warwick, and Manheim Central schools. We will provide care and many fun summer activities for over 110 children this summer. Next fall, we are on target to provide care for over 130 children! God is good as we are given ways to grow our program and provide childcare for families needing after school care. 
What an amazing season to be a part of Lititz Christian. From moving to a new location to stepping into more creative ways to grow our school, God has continued to provide an opportunity for us to be an outreach to our community!  
Thank you, LC family, for your support! We are excited to see God's future adventures for our school!  

January 5, 2023

Administration Update
- from Allyson Harmon, Head of School

Happy New Year! I hope your family had a wonderful Christmas break celebrating the birth of Jesus. As we look forward to this semester there are several items I would like to bring to your attention.

New Faces at Lititz Christian 
Our new Director of Advancement, Brooke Vaught, joined the Lititz Christian team this week. Brooke is excited to meet our school community, and you will be hearing more from her in the coming weeks.
Receptionist, Ashlee Martin, transitioned to a new job over Christmas break. We are excited to welcome Dora McCown to the front desk. Email her at  to reach the school's front desk. 

We are looking forward to our first Homecoming at our new location the weekend of January 20th and 21st. 
The schedule for the evening of Friday, January 20th: 
5:30 Alumni Game at Lititz Christian Gymnasium  (building walk-thrus available)
6:00 Doors open at Warwick High School Gymnasium  
         Concession stand will open, come hungry! 
6:30 Varsity Girls Basketball Game at Warwick High School 
8:00 Varsity Boys Basketball Game at Warwick High School 
9:30 Homecoming Coronation at Warwick High School

Continuous Enrollment 
We will be moving to a continuous enrollment model for the upcoming 2023-24 school year! Continuous enrollment is different from annual enrollment in that it is an extended contract as opposed to an annual one. Once your child is enrolled at LCS, he/she will remain enrolled until graduation. If there is a change in your family situation which effects enrollment plans, notify the admissions office.

Some of the details of continuous enrollment are:

- It eliminates the need to fill out re-enrollment packets every February. Student information will need to be updated before the new school year begins. This will happen in the summer in a Back to School packet, which will be an abbreviated version of the re-enrollment packet. 
- Tuition payment plans will roll from one year to the next. You will not need to re-select it in FACTS annually. 
- You will need to apply for tuition assistance annually. Submit the application and 2022 tax documents to FACTS early!

Keep your eye out for more detailed information along with tuition rates on January 17.

Admissions Events 
Recruitment and enrollment season has arrived! A list of events will be published on social media and delivered to your inbox. You can look forward to the following events:

- January 27 - Family Literacy Night for families with younger students
- February 16- Open House for new and current families
- March 2- Kindergarten Day (rising students and parents) 

Amazon Smile 
Lititz Christian receives dollars through Amazon Smile each year.  Please consider selecting Lititz Christian as your charitable organization on Amazon Smile  This is a quick and easy way for you to contribute to Lititz Christian. 
To use AmazonSmile, simply go to on your web browser or activate AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app on your iOS or Android phone within the Settings or Programs & Features menu. On your web browser, you can add a bookmark to to make it even easier to return and start your shopping with AmazonSmile. On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you will be prompted to select a charitable organization to receive donations from your future eligible AmazonSmile purchases.

December 20, 2022

Education Update 
- by Aggie Lawler, Academic Success Program Coordinator, Elementary Dept Lead

The addition of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program this year has had such a positive impact on our elementary students!  PBIS is a framework of proactive strategies for teaching, modeling and reinforcing appropriate behaviors.  We initiated this well-known program to create a safe, positive learning environment for our students.  
We encourage students to glorify the Lord with behaviors that Soar and have been using three consistent expectations (the 3Rs – Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Ready to Learn) inside and outside the school grounds. Within the 3Rs, we have established clear rules for behaviors we expect to see throughout our school community.  To encourage and applaud God-honoring behaviors, faculty and staff throughout the building give students tickets when they spot behaviors that Soar.  Students then save their tickets and turn them in once a week for rewards and prizes at the PBIS Ticket Shop.

I asked elementary teachers to share some feedback about PBIS.  Here’s what they had to say… 
• It has been incredible to see the positive impact of this PBIS initiative. Students understand that when they "SOAR" they earn tickets. It's been fun to see the excitement whenever I hand out tickets and I love hearing what they are "saving up" for in the shop. As a side benefit, this is also a great first lesson in spending. Students have to count their own tickets, fill out the form, and shop accordingly. I think that this has really been a great practice in responsibility and ownership. 
• Students are excited about earning tickets and have begun pointing out SOAR choices they see others making. I love that they are looking for ways others are being a light, and when peers are showing kindness to one another. As a teacher PBIS continues to encourage me to acknowledge the positive choices of students who may not be the loudest or whose kindness might go unnoticed at times. The commonality of SOAR language has also been a helpful tool as we move throughout our specials and other parts of our week such as chapel. I have noticed that my students have been choosing to save up their tickets week to week to purchase coupons. The coupons that most are choosing are for quality one-on-one time (seeking out relational opportunities with peers and adults in the building). It points to the special "family feel" our school has when students are desiring to save their earned tickets to spend quality time with the faculty in our building when they could be with their classmates at lunch. 
Also, the “real world” practice of counting and sorting tickets into ten frames has built strong confidence and understanding of place value with tens and ones! 
• Seeking to reward the good in others is what I find so appealing about PBIS. Instead of shining a bright light on negative behaviors, PBIS puts the spotlight on the God-honoring behaviors being displayed.  
• I LOVE it and my students all seem highly motivated and excited by the program. It has been so sweet to see a few of them actually saving up their tickets for several weeks in order to be able to purchase a prize for a sibling or to purchase a lunch token to use with a sibling.

This is what students have to say about PBIS: 
• "Well getting the prizes is fun especially because I earned them!" 
• "I like saving up because then I get the good stuff!" 
• "I hope we do this in high school!"  
• "I like that the specials teachers give us tickets too!"

At Lititz Christian School it is our desire to use positive reinforcement strategies as much as possible.  At the same time, we recognize the need to have consequences in place for behaviors that are unkind, unsafe and/or disrespectful. You can find information regarding consequences we have established for the “Interventions” piece of PBIS in the Discipline Policies and Conduct Expectations of the Student Handbook.

Many thanks to families who have been partnering with us in this initiative by donating items to the PBIS Ticket Shop and by reminding your child to be Respectful, Responsible and Ready to Learn!


December 6, 2022

School Board Update
- by Jeff Gerard, Board Chair

I hope your Thanksgiving Holiday was a sweet time of encouragement, gratitude, fellowship, and laughter. We certainly have a lot to be thankful for at Lititz Christian School as we begin our celebration of the Advent season.  

Early in November, our annual member meeting was part of our weekend Day of Plenty giving. During the meeting, we worshipped, prayed, and heard testimony of God's work at Lititz Christian. We heard updates about finances, enrollment, and our building search. Our newest Board of Directors member, Corey Hamilton, was approved by the member parents present at the meeting. I was also voted in as Chairman, Josh Antes as Treasurer, and Rodney Bert as Secretary. Speaking for all of us, it is a privilege to serve the Lititz Christian community. Thank you for your care, support, and prayers.

The weekend culminated in an incredible Harvest Fest on November 5th, a beautiful fall day, that raised $60,278 for Lititz Christian School! Thank you for your outpouring of confidence in God's work at LCS. 

Also, as a reminder, a generous donor has offered a $50,000 match toward all donations directed to the capital campaign before December 31st. We are halfway there with $25,000 donated. Please click HERE or contact Nicole Hurst at if you are interested in making a donation to our capital campaign or annual fund. 

God has thankfully continued to provide for excellent faculty and staff at Lititz Christian. Graciously, Allyson Harmon has committed to transitioning from our Interim Head of School to our Head of School. Allyson has been instrumental in the smooth but challenging transition to LCOB. Her expertise and tireless effort led us well through the transition year before the move and then to our new home.

We are also excited to announce that Niki Cadwalader will rejoin our administrative team as the Assistant Head of School. Niki will be responsible for enrollment and K-12 principal responsibilities. Niki is very well known to Lititz Christian, and we are thrilled to have her return. She has been a central figure in admissions and academic support for years. This position will fill our current principal vacancy.

Rounding out our Admin team is our new Director of Advancement, Brooke Vaught. Brooke and her family are relocating from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Her two children will join our kindergarten and fourth-grade class. Brooke's presence with us is an exciting advance in staffing since Lititz Christian School has never had a staff member dedicated solely to fundraising. We look forward to her leadership as she fills a position vital to the growth and health of Lititz Christian School in the future.  

God has given us an excellent admin team to lead us into a new season of growth and vitality. He is faithful to "complete the work that he started in us."  

We continue our pursuit of a permanent future home for LCS. The board will work on the budget for the 2023-2024 school year in the coming month. We continue to search for Board members who can contribute to the vision and excellence of Lititz Christian School.

May God grant you a Christmas Holiday filled with love and life, defined by a growing knowledge that Christ came to earth as a baby to sacrifice himself for us. When you think of Christmas, remember the good news of Easter and the new life we have in Christ.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, and make His face to shine upon you, and give you peace!


November 23, 2022

School Happenings Update 
-by Elem/MS/HS Lead Teachers

Enjoy this recap of today's SOAR (Sharing Opportunities for Academics and Relationships) Day at Lititz Christian School.

For elementary students, the theme of this SOAR day was A Day of Gratitude. We are so

 thankful for the people of Lititz Church of the Brethren who have shown the love of Christ towards us in graciously and generously sharing their space with us and making us feel at home and loved at LCOB!  Therefore, a large portion of our day was spent creating gifts of gratitude for them: Mrs. Amy Fisher lead students in producing a Thank You song/video for the congregation; the students also worked on writing thank you cards for congregational members.  Additionally, students spent some time participating in other fun Thanksgiving activities as well as playing outside and enjoying individual class parties at the end of the half day.

Middle school students also participated in a SOAR Day of Gratitude today! Students were able to reflect and take time to consider what they are grateful for in their own lives. They had an opportunity to create thank you cards for the church members at Lititz Church of the Brethren expressing thanks for the shared space and kindness from the church body. Students were also able to center on thankfulness to God through prayer writing and watercolor scripture verse creations. Lastly, students worked on service projects around the church, while reflecting on their thankfulness for this building and our school! 

For SOAR Day this quarter, high school students are participating in Culture Day! Madame Nickel and her sister (a chef visiting from France!) demonstrated and lead students in how to make authentic French pastries using various skills in the kitchen. In the gym, Senora Rittler taught students in the art of salsa dancing!  Meanwhile, Mrs. Titter helped students handcraft their own origami creations as well as prepared a paper stained glass window, mimicking stained glass which was observed by foreign language students on their Philadelphia Art museum field trip . Finally, Mrs. Balmer showed a TED talk delivered by a photographer whose mission is to help communities around the world stand up for what they believe in and spark global change starting at the local level. Inspired by the video, students had an opportunity to learn photography skills while taking each other's portraits.

Happy Thanksgiving, Lititz Christian School community, we are so thankful for you! 

November 9, 2022

Head of School Update
-by Allyson Harmon

Our Day of Plenty last weekend was a huge success; what an incredible weekend celebrating all that God is doing in and through Lititz Christian School. We sold almost 700 chicken bbq tickets on Friday. At the annual members meeting Friday evening, the board and administration provided an update on the state of the school, including financial, enrollment and relocation updates. In addition, members voted and approved school board officers for the academic year, and board candidate, Corey Hamilton, was voted on to the board for a three year term. Members in attendance were challenged to raise $5000 during the meeting. Over $5000 was raised in just over an hour. Those funds were matched by a $5000 donation from our LC faculty, staff and board.  A reception with light refreshments concluded the festive evening celebrating blessings at our new location. 
As planning began for the November 5th Harvest Fest, we were concerned about the potential for cold weather. We even joked about the possibility of snow in November. Instead, we were incredibly blessed with a beautiful 76 degrees and sunny, which made for a perfect day. Hundreds of families from the Lititz community attended the Harvest Fest on Saturday. What a wonderful opportunity to introduce so many people to the amazing things happening at Lititz Christian. Also during the Harvest Fest, we had the opportunity to give 10 tours to interested families.
Our Day of Plenty ended with the High School Fall Ball.  Students enjoyed fall-themed beverages and refreshments, a campfire, and a night of dancing with a great DJ. During the evening we were able to announce our final fundraising total for the Day of Plenty which was $60,279.22. $50,000 of the funds raised will go toward the annual fund.  The remaining $10,279.22 will be applied to the capital campaign. 
A generous donor has offered a $50,000 match toward all donations directed to the capital campaign before December 31st. Please contact Nicole Hurst at if you are interested in making a donation to our annual fund or capital campaign. Your generosity assists Lititz Christian School in continuing our mission to partner with Christian families to prepare students to honor Jesus Christ in scholarship, vocation and lifestyle. 
Last and not least, The Day of Plenty and Harvest Fest would not have been possible without our wonderful volunteers. I was amazed to see our supply signup lists and volunteer time slot needs being met so quickly by Lititz Christian’s staff and community.  I am grateful for your generous support!  Thank you for being part of this uplifting day. It was such a wonderful celebration of all the Lord is accomplishing through Lititz Christian School. 

November 1, 2022

School Board Update 
- by Jeff Gerard, Board Chair

Greetings Lititz Christian community,
Fall weather brings me great joy. Looking at the brilliantly painted trees that border our school, I just want to jump in and get lost in the color. Why would God bless us with such beauty? The answer is there, but sometimes hard to remember: it is simply for our joy and His Glory!  What an encouragement.

Lititz Christian School is so blessed. The Board of Directors would like to share more details about the state of the school this Friday during our Day of Plenty celebration meeting at 6:30 pm.  We'll worship together, and then the board and school leadership will share about the school’s financials and enrollment, and our capital campaign. There will be an update on our relocation plans and we will conclude with a member vote for our newest Board member, Corey Hamilton, and for the leadership team of the Board (chair, treasurer, and secretary). For the bios of those being presented for a vote, please see below.

We are so excited about what the Lord is doing at LCS! As the Psalmist sang, His love reaches to the heavens and His faithfulness reaches to the skies. As a school community, we have experienced the exceptional faithfulness of our God and are privileged to steward His school into the next season of providing a biblical, academic education which prepares students to honor Jesus Christ in scholarship, vocation, and lifestyle.

In preparation for the member meeting and Day of Plenty this Friday, please consider these two opportunities to partner with what the Lord is doing at LCS

The LCS Annual Fund supports the operation of the school. This is what the school needs to raise each year to break even. We have a goal of raising $50,000 this weekend toward the Annual Fund. Our incredible faculty and board have committed to a $5,000 match toward this goal!

The Capital Campaign is our opportunity to give generously toward the next season of LCS. We are preparing to build or renovate an existing building by 2025. More will be shared about our progress toward relocation on Friday night! Once our $50,000 goal is met for the annual fund, all remaining dollars will be directed to the Capital Campaign. A donor has committed to a $50,000 match for gifts that go toward the Capital Campaign.

Please prayerfully consider what you might give. We will invite you to contribute on Friday night and again on Saturday. In this unique season of development for LCS, perhaps the Lord is inviting you to give beyond what you have given in the past, and we invite you to join us in serving the Lord through LCS.

We look forward to seeing you on Friday night. Have a great week!

Jeff Gerard 
LCS Board of Directors Chair 

Board Member / Candidate Bios

Dr. Jeffrey Gerard /Chair of the Board 
Jeff is a physician at Penn State Community Health-Cornerstone. He has been involved with LC for over 15 years and has 4 children, including 2 graduates, 1 junior, and 1 kindergartner. Jeff graduated from Penn State twice, first with a Bachelor of Science degree in Molecular and Cell Biology and then with his Doctorate in medicine. He has been married to Julie for 26 years and his church home is Harvest Bible Church where he serves as an elder. Jeff enjoys baking, then eating, then baking. He loves to travel with his family and learning how to camp. Jeff appreciates the unity in diversity of the LCS community as we pursue Christ's Kingdom together.

Rodney Bert/Secretary (2020-23) 
Rodney is Chief Financial Officer at Listrak. He is a hands-on, strategic executive with more than 20 years of experience leading business expansion through revenue growth and increasing profitability. His areas of expertise include strategic planning and forecasting, strategy implementation, and budgeting. Rodney and his wife, Gina, live in Lititz and have been married for 29 years. They have 4 children, 3 graduates of LCS and a current senior.

Josh Antes/Treasurer (2020-23)  
Josh is owner-operator of Lititz Family Cupboard restaurant. He also works for Newport Management Group as their Controller working with 7 restaurant industry entities. Josh has been married to his lovely wife, Genna, for 16 years and they have 5 children. Josh has served on the Finance Committee for many years at LCS. His favorite part of Lititz Christian is the faith-based education that the students receive, and the community of believers that have come to be an extension of the community of believers that have come to be an extension of the family.


Corey Hamilton (Board Candidate 2022-24) 
Corey Hamilton is a graduate of Messiah College with an undergraduate degree in accounting and a Master’s in Strategic Leadership.  He is also a licensed CPA.  Corey has worked in the retirement community industry for over twenty years, spending 14 as a Chief Financial Officer at a Community in State College and the last 2 years as the CFO at Landis Communities in Lititz.  He spent several years as the Treasurer and School Board member for Nittany Christian School in State College.  He is a strong supporter of Christian education and grateful for the work of Lititz Christian School. 


October 18, 2022

Head of School Update
-by Allyson Harmon, Head of School 


We are excited about the addition of SOAR Days to the programming at Lititz Christian. SOAR is an acronym that stands for Sharing Opportunities for Academics and Relationships. These special days will include themed activities, field trips, and project-based learning activities. September 29th was our first scheduled SOAR Day. Read more about the exciting activities below.

Students enjoyed an Apple Themed SOAR day!  For math and science, students tasted a variety of apples, voted on favorites and graphed the results. For art, students constructed apple trees out of pinecones and exercised their creativity to make their apple tree unique.  Students also expressed creativity in writing by penning their own apple haikus, acronyms, creative writing and descriptive writing as they explored apples using their five senses. Outside, in the crisp fall air, students enjoyed some physical education with apple relay races and games.  Students also engaged in some fun STEAM activities such as building with apples,  seeing how many whole apples they could stack without them toppling over, experimenting with Apple Ooblek, and designing apple boats which they tested and improved for buoyancy. In another enjoyable and creative activity, students participated in a no-bake cooking lesson in which they designed their own Apple Ring “Donuts'' and then ate their tasty treat.  Finally, there were many delicious varieties of apple snacks and apple drinks for all to enjoy! Students were engaged in fun hands-on learning throughout the half-day of Sharing Opportunities for Academics and Relationships!

Middle School:
The middle school students met outside in the pavilion to participate in a number of activities in their community groups. (Community groups are made up of students from each grade level).  Leading up to our first SOAR day, the students completed an activity in language arts class where they were asked to identify artifacts and write about their significance. They were asked to choose one of those artifact responses to revise and share with their community group. In order to continue to build upon the summer community read, A Wrinkle in Time, students worked in their community groups to design and build a tesseract, a four-dimensional cube. In just under an hour all ten groups successfully completed the challenge and the end results were impressive! The final activity of the morning was to begin recording a 90-Second Newbery Film for A Wrinkle in Time.

9/10 Graders:
Today, the freshman and sophomores spent the day exploring the physics behind simple yard games and playground equipment. They discovered how motion and forces impact swinging and sliding on the playground, how Newton’s laws explain the game of (giant) Jenga, how friction plays a part in cornhole and how energy is transformed through a chain reaction of cascading dominos. Students used their critical thinking skills to analyze these physics concepts and they used their creativity to design their own dream playground. Today’s lessons were a review of fundamental physics concepts for the 10th graders who had physical science last year, and a preview for what’s to come for this year's 9th-grade physical science students!

11/12 Graders: 
Today, the juniors and seniors spent the morning learning about the American Revolution and the establishment of the U.S. Constitution via Hamilton by Lin-Manuel Miranda. We connected characters in the musical like George Washington, Aaron Burr, Thomas Jefferson and many more to historical moments in the 1770s and beyond in America. Learning about essential historical happenings and figures helped to prepare students for our trip to Yorktown and Colonial Williamsburg where students had the opportunity to interact firsthand with some of these landmarks and historical figures. 


September 30, 2022

Head of School Update 
-by Allyson Harmon, Head of School

We are so thankful for you, Lititz Christian School’s family and friends, for your support of the school for the past 44 years. We are also thankful for the outstanding work of the Lancaster County Community Foundation (LCCF) and the ExtraOrdinary Give. LCCF has served our county well and we believe will continue to do so in the future. We have seen the impact of the ExtraGive on the Lancaster community and have experienced growth ourselves as a result of our participation. Lititz Christian has participated in the ExtraGive since 2013 and has raised over $580,000 in those 9 days of giving!  

This year, LCCF has made some changes to their application requirements that have caused us to consider how our school’s Christ-centered values align with the values of LCCF. As a result, we have opted out of participating in the ExtraGive this year

Lititz Christian recognizes the useful fundraising tool the ExtraGive has provided to our community in the past, and we also acknowledge the school’s fundraising needs in this exciting stage of our history. That’s why we’re happy to announce our upcoming Day of Plenty on November 4th-5th. We will be participating in this one-day major fundraising event instead of the ExtraGive, and we invite you to join us!

We continue to be thankful for our years of partnership with the LCCF and pray God’s blessing on them as we both seek the flourishing of our city and county.

Lititz Christian families, please pray with us and for us. We are excited to share upcoming ways to support the mission and vision of Lititz Christian School and how you can be a part of the important work God is doing among us. 

With gratitude, 
Allyson Harmon, Head of School

September 20, 2022

Operations/Relocation Update 
-by Liz Grubb, Director of Operations and Culture 

The start of the school year is always a busy but exciting time. One of the things I love most is this anticipation that seems to be in the air - there’s a lot that can happen in a school year. I am reminded over and over again why starting something new is so exciting. This year we have seen extraordinary energy from our students. They are excited to be in our new space and ready to learn.  
The Student Activities Leadership Team (SALT) has this energy too. These high school students are ready to deepen fellowship at the school. The SALT mission is simple: to create opportunities to engage the student body. They will host events for different grades and for the entire school to further this mission. We are excited that the SALT group is passionate about serving the school and staying on mission! One student shared that having a mission is important because “it shows that we care about our school and our schoolmates and want to create a community of belonging as well as one of fun and fellowship.” Awesome!  SALT is looking to host several events this fall, events that spotlight specific grades as well as some all school activities.  
In keeping with the theme of new and that “back to school” energy - our current location is beautiful and so welcoming. We are so grateful to the relocation team that helped us find and secure the Lititz Church of the Brethren space. Now, a new relocation team looks ahead to finding a permanent home for our school. Our team is gaining momentum and setting goals as we consider all the aspects of a permanent space. We are continuing to look at properties, in the process of a feasibility study, coordinating with lenders, and continuing in our capital campaign. Please join us in prayer as the relocation team works on these things and seeks God’s wisdom and guidance in this endeavor.

September 14, 2022

Spiritual Life Update 
-by Pastor Ross Dunk, Campus Pastor

Each year at Lititz Christian School the administration works together to select a theme for the upcoming year. This year we chose two words from Colossians 1:9-10 as our theme: “Walk Worthy”. There are many things that distract us and compete for our attention, and yet we know that we are called to live differently – to “Walk Worthy”. The theme this year is about cultivating a Godly character that pleases the Lord.

As we begin this new school year it is our desire and prayer that our Lititz Christian family, because of our personal faith in Jesus Christ and our commitment to the Word of God, will “Walk Worthy of the Lord.”   

September 09, 2022      
School Board Update      
-by Jeff Gerard, School Board Chair 

To our LCS Community: 
Thank you for all you’ve done to make the first two weeks of school run smoothly, from encouraging your children as they adjust to a new space to navigating drop off and pick up lines. There’s much to learn this year, and it’s not just academics! On behalf of the board, we would like to acknowledge the hard work of our administration, faculty, staff, and volunteers, who have made this transition a reality. Personally, my LCS senior felt right at home, excited by the wonderful facilities at LCOB, and encouraged by the efforts that the teachers have made to ease the transition. I have so much hope for the future!

At the beginning of the school year, we learned that Mike Rohrer, our high school principal, needed to step away due to health reasons. Please pray with us for Mike. Thank you to Jenn Balmer (MS/HS department leader) and Anna Urquhart (MS/HS academic advisor) who have each stepped up to fill critical gaps while we search for a principal. The search for principal has commenced and we hope to have the role filled by January, 2023. This timeline depends largely on our candidate pool, so please pray with us that the Lord will guide the right person to this crucial role.

Thank you for submitting your recommendations for board seats. We have three open seats this year. Per our process, those who are nominated are sent to the governance committee and considered by the board. We then pursue conversations with those who could be a good fit, and present them to the community for affirmation. Names and biographies of candidates will be shared in this blog prior to our annual member meeting in October. 

I am in awe of the dedication and sacrifice of so many in our staff and community. By God's grace we are in a new building, excited by excellent leadership and educators, and encouraged for the future.


Jeff Gerard
Chair, LCS Board

August 30, 2022      
Administration Update      
-by Allyson Harmon, Head of School  

What an incredible first day of school! Students were energized and excited to be back together. We started our day with First Day Worship. Pastor Ross Dunk challenged us to be forward-thinking, courageous and to tackle challenges with a smile. 
We recognized our freshmen and seniors during a special lunch celebration. The seniors imparted words of wisdom to the freshman as they reflected on their high school years. The class advisors prayed over the freshman as they celebrated their first day of high school and the seniors as they celebrated their last first day. The students enjoyed ending their time together with Rita’s Ice.   
Thank you for all your prayers through the logistics of moving. All the work of the summer paid off as the hallways and classrooms filled with students. We are excited for the rest of our First Week!  

August 9, 2022     
Administration Update     
-by Allyson Harmon, Head of School 

We are excited to announce that we have hired Doug Yager as Lititz Christian School's new Athletic Director. Doug will take over the roles previously held by Ryan McCracken and Allan Dunk. Allan will continue to teach PE classes at Lititz Christian but has chosen to step away from his role as the Assistant Athletic Director to focus on his growing family.   
Doug and his family have been a part of the Lititz Christian family since enrolling their two sons at Lititz Christian in 2008. Doug is a seasoned athletic administrator and coach with over 20 years of experience at the college level. We are looking forward to the energy and passion that he will bring to our athletic program. I am confident that Doug’s vision for our athletic program will lead us in our mission to prepare students to honor Jesus Christ in scholarship, vocation, and lifestyle.